Xeriscape landscaping and gardening architecture
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Xeriscaping and xerogardening refer to xeriscape landscaping and gardening architecture in ways that reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental water from irrigation. Xeriscape landscapes are not just cactus and rock gardens. They can be green, serene landscapes full of beautiful plants maintained with water-efficient practices. The same lush green New Mexico style landscape which we are accustomed can be achieved and still conserve water. These types of landscaping designs are prevalent in our region since we do not always have easily accessible, plentiful, or reliable supplies of water.
Xeriscaping is gaining acceptance in our region as climate patterns shift. Xeriscape landscaping is indeed quality landscaping that conserves water and protects the environment. This concept is a comprehensive approach to landscaping for water conservation. Traditional landscapes may incorporate one or two principles of water conservation, but they do not utilize the entire concept to reduce landscape water use effectively. K&S Landscaping incorporates seven basic principles which lead to saving water:
Planning and Design
Soil Analysis
Practical Turf Areas
Efficient Irrigation
Uses of Mulches
Proper Maintenance